Current congregation : 1 out of 5
1) He is a very kind, sympathetic "shepherd" who doesn't emphasize textbook procedures and policy. I wonder if he peruses JWD.
2) A company man. Doesn't he know what "shepherd" means. He thrives off of doing paperwork and trying to look busy in the congregation. Forgets about various ones in the congregation, including those in his own book study.
3) Former Bethelite. Another company man. Always refers to the "society's direction". Hardly a word quoted from the Bible. Conservative and neglecting the "weightier matters".
4) Semi-company man. Has to be because he is on the society payroll as a special pioneer. Glorifies the FDS. Has sick family, so doesn't bother with petty and trivial stuff in the congregation.
5) New elder. Trying to tow the line and make himself acceptable. No sense of depth. Or at least trying to seem like he has depth. I see him as the new "gopher" in the elder body. He will be used to do all of the things that the other elders don't want to do.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)